Lessons Learned from my ADK Bear Encounter
In late September I hiked the Cranberry Lake 50, a 50-mile loop around Cranberry Lake, about an hour west of Lake Placid. I knew there had been bear activity reported in the area, and prepared accordingly. Sure enough, I had my first bear encounter (outside of being in a car). Here’s what happened and my lessons learned.
Women’s Specific Gear
As we do a lot more hiking, paddling and camping — outdoor activities in general — I find myself seeking out specialty gear and clothing designed for women, usually by women, for the outdoors. Things like backpacks that better fit a woman’s body. And amenities that enable us to more comfortably pee outdoors. Here are a few of my favorite items and online shops.
Top 11 Shops to Rent Gear
Whether you’re interested in trying a new activity or don’t want to haul all your sports equipment on vacay, there are plenty of great outfitters and rental shops to meet your needs. We recently did an overnight camping trip and rented gear, which worked out great. Here are our favorite outfitters and the sports gear they rent.